i (19f) met this guy (19m) at work (we don’t work together) and we started talking and we’ve been texting like for almost three weeks now everyday. i’ve started getting a huge crush on him (kinda had a little one before we started talking too, that’s why i first spoke to him) and i feel so awful about it. i feel like he doesn’t like me the same way. like we’ve talked about normal stuff, some deep stuff and he seems really interested in my life and interests, as he asks me about my opinions and stuff like that often, and vice versa. we’ve been planning on meeting up for a while but every time something comes up for him, whether it’s a friend inviting him somewhere or feeling too tired. i understand that like obviously stuff like that happens but i’m starting to doubt any of this is even real. like am i getting too attached to just a basic crush?? i feel like he doesn’t see me the same way, i’m more just like a friend to him. it’s kinda weighing on me now 🙁

  1. If he wanted to meet you, he would. Sounds like he just sees you as someone to chat to.

    Probably not the best idea to get involved with a co-worker anyway as if things go south it would make for an awkward work experience.

  2. Getting attached is normal when you start investing yourself in someone else, and the beginnings and ends of relationships are particularly bumpy emotionally when you aren’t sure if the investment is mutual. You can’t fight how you feel, so the traditional way of avoiding going all in so soon is to maintain some distance. This is easier said than done, being single is *lonely* even if you’re otherwise complete (and significantly more lonely when you aren’t).

    The only issue here is that you’re getting invested before you two have even hung out in person. You’d feel no less crushed if you met up and felt no connection. I don’t think he sounds disinterested, just maybe not as dependent on anything working out. Remember that until you two meet up and hit it off, it’s just an idea.

    Your best choice here is to give him some distance and let him make the next move. If he’s interested enough to pursue this possibility, he will. You’ve already conveyed to him that you’re interested.

  3. Yup! My ex and I were having some really good passionate sex. Then out of nowhere he jumps up and runs and gets in the shower. I’m like wtf just happened? Asshole

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