So recently I’ve become sexually active and I’ve been bleeding each time. Bf admitted that he’s really only learnt how to have sex from porn and that it’s not centred around foreplay the type that he watched.
Neither of us are able to make each other cum.
I have been advised by a health practitioner that there must be more foreplay otherwise I will continue to bleed, as I am clearly tense during.
I am not sure what to do about this as I don’t know how to help him.
I find that he goes down for about 1 minute before and gives up (he’s also claimed the taste is odd mostly due to the blood, I’ve been tested for all types of stis by an gyno and I am clean) or he fingers me but rapidly increases the amount of fingers to around 4 which at times can be painful.
I also go rather into sub space during and I find communication hard during this time, which he has told me I need to do more of.
He doesn’t really know where the clit is either and I’m kinda at a loss on what to do.
I want to be able to make him cum too and it kinda upsets me that I’m not able too. I’ll give him oral etc but he never is able to cum from this.
At the moment I need a break from sex but I still love him.
Really in need to advice rn.

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