I start getting cold shivers and stomach gets chill and numb. Brain starts to go blank and I forget everything. And I don’t know what to do respond and how to handle myself.

Situations can be something like – a random fight or flight scenario, any life events like – getting caught doing something, meeting someone new, expecting an imminent bad news from family, losing loved ones – breakups, work events like – did a f*ck up and caused a work crisis – and you did not handle it well and see it getting escalated, you don’t know how to resolve it, situations where you know something bad is going to happen.

So how to “be a man” in such situations ? How to naturally be a good responder to such situations ? How to stop feeling insecure ?

I get afraid that I won’t be able to resolve the problem. Most of the times it’s true, I am not. And leave it upto fate mostly.

TLDR – advice to handle panic

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