I (35 f) found out my husband has been cheating on me for half of our relationship and marriage via third person. We have been together for 15 years and married for 10. I am so heartbroken, hurt, disappointed, angry, the list goes on. We have 2 kids and I don’t know what to do. The person who l thought I knew has betrayed me in the worst way possible known to human kind. The fact that someone else had to tell me makes matters worse. I have proof of everything. He is awfully honest of what he thinks of me and the relationship. He has begged me not to divorce and to stay for the kids and to give our love a chance. What fucking love is there ??? The trust is gone. I am just so blindsided by everything. Sure I haven’t been perfect, but I wasn’t a terrible wife/mom either. I just need some advice … he promises things are going to get better and that he will get therapy, however, I’m not sure if he’s just saying this to save himself or if he actually is being honest. It’s just hard to believe that someone who has been doing this for so long can actually change… what are the chances of someone like him changing?

Edit: Part of me wants to stay for kids and try to make it work because I do love him, but I don’t know if I would be doing right. I found out today he settled when he met me among other lies about his past … hurts too much … feels as if I married a stranger. I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone. Feels like my world collapsed in an instant.

[second] Edit: I just found out he cheated on me 3 days before our wedding. I’m devastated… I’m completely broken.

[third] Edit: just for clarification, my husband who is 39 year old, cheated on me with multiple women. The cheating was on and off meaning, he would cheat, occasionally stop, and then cheat again. Before we got engaged and lived together he would have go to dinners, games, with one of his AP.

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