My husband finished schooling for a trade around 4 months ago and immediately started a new job within the field. I was laid off 2 months ago and he encouraged me to take this time off and stay home with out 2 year old daughter until she’s ready for her school program starting in Aug of this year. A few weeks ago he had freaked out as he was getting ready for work saying he feels unsafe at his new job and thinks people are out to get him.

These feelings are not uncommon, as he felt the same way about the people at his school and his previous job as a delivery driver.

His car was broken into and he feels like it was someone from his work, even though I expressed that car break ins are not uncommon at our apartment complex and he left his tools visible in his car and that’s why it was broken into.

Yesterday he left work early and was expressing he doesn’t want to go back. This obviously freaks me out as it will leave us with no income and no health insurance for our family, and I’m worried about his mental health. Nothing I say brings him comfort and he presses that there’s more he’s not telling me and won’t tell me regarding this situation.

I’ve suggested that he’s had these problems with him everywhere he goes and he may be the problem, which only makes him angry and makes him feel like he’s alone because I “don’t trust him and think he’s crazy”

I don’t know what to do or think.

Tl/dr my husband thinks people at his work are out to get him and is going to quit his job leaving us unemployed and uninsured after encouraging me to take time off from work to care for our daughter.

Thank you all for your responses, it definitely helps hearing your similar experiences and I feel a little less alone in this. I wanted to give an update, he went into work this morning and spoke to his boss who encouraged him to stay and tough it out and gave him a lighter work load today to help manage his stress, and we’ve had a long conversation and he’s agreed to see a psychiatrist so we can really start to address the core issues and grow – feeling so much better ❤️

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