I’m hanging out with this guy but he has a girlfriend….
We meet each other since I was a little girl (gap age 14 years). But, almost 6 months ago we had our first kiss, and can’t stop!
I don’t know if I really like him or it’s just “good” the situation (the sex), but I’m feeling that I’m gonna be hurt in the end.
Really need help😭

  1. He’s 14 years older than you, he’s known you since you were a little girl, and he has a girlfriend? At best this guy is an asshole, at worst he’s a sexual predator. Run

  2. You will always be the side piece.

    If you are good with this, and you also don’t mind hurting his real girlfriend, then keep doing what you’re doing.

    Otherwise, you should stop.

  3. RUN AWAY!!!!

    This man is absolutely not interested in you for the right reasons.

    I agree with the others that he has been grooming you and is a sexual predator.

    He has a girlfriend, is almost 40 and you aren’t even old enough to legally drink in the US.


  4. So he’s 14 years older than you, and he’s known you since you were a little girl. Not only that, he’s actively cheating on a girlfriend he has. Everything about this is wrong.

  5. I’m definitely not going to say “awe poor you” and feel bad for you cuz you right now are being a crappy person. You are sleeping with someone who is supposed to be committed yet YOU’RE scared he’s going to HURT YOU? You also sound selfish.
    So no I don’t feel bad for you at all.
    You are also 19 fucking a 34 year old man. He’s not going to change for you.
    And with the daddy issue thing you keep commenting about seek therapy, don’t fuck someone who has a SO.
    I’m also not giving a pass because “you’re young and Naïve” you’re old enough to know right from wrong.

    Let the downvotes commence

  6. Look I was in a similar situation when I was young. I had very low self esteem and he made me feel special, told me i was mature for my age, made the gf out to be a monster and took advantage of my niaviety. He was 10 years older than me and I was a teenager.

    I was not special. She was not a monster. I was not mature. And was left feeling ashamed and worse about myself.

    He will do to you exactly what he is doing to her. You are hurting another women. He is a predator. Run.

    Have you asked yourself why a grown man is interested in a ‘side piece’ barely out of school instead of someone his own age?

  7. Yeah he’s a predator and you’re a side piece. Of course the sex is good. He has 14 years on you. Trust me. This will not end well for you.

  8. Not one sentence about hurting the unaware GF? She’s the victim. You’re just this guy’s young side piece. Get out of this situation before your feelings really get hurt.

  9. There’s no way this doesn’t end badly for you. You need to figure out who you are in life, because right now, you’re a homewrecker, and karma has a funny way of finding people like you later in life.

  10. are you the same girl who kissed her brothers best friend? he’s grooming you.

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