I always thought that having a conversation is just two people asking questions to each other , but turns out that is not even close to what a conversation is. I have been told that I ask way too many questions to where they think i’m interrogating them and being mean when i’m just genuinely interested in what they’re doing, how their day is, etc. I like knowing all the little details and I guess that’s not socially appropriate, but i’m unsure of how conversations are actually supposed to be. I didn’t know that I was being rude this whole time that i’ve been trying to just engage in a detailed conversation with people. I just genuinely want to know everything out of curiosity, not interrogating or anything. I didn’t mean to cause harm and annoyance to people. Does anyone else not know how to have a real and healthy conversation or am i alone in this. I could really use some tips on how to hold a convo better and not have people get mad at me anymore for asking too much.. thank you

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