My spouse (40M) and I (38F) were gifted a trip to the Caribbean. However, we need to pay for the flights, transfers, and childcare for a week. One of our family friends has offered to watch the kid (8M) and dog while we go on the trip so that the kid can stay in school. I booked the trip for a couple months from now for an early anniversary trip. The problem is that my husband keeps saying we should just not show up and skip it (the resort has been booked, but not the flights). He hasn’t said, but I’m guessing the main reason that he doesn’t want to go is because he doesn’t like to leave our kid with other people and impose on them. He also doesn’t really like resorts or snorkeling. I however, LOVE snorkeling, and have been wanting to visit the Caribbean for a long time, to snorkel in particular. I also don’t want to just not show up, and make the person who gifted us the trip upset.

I feel like I always bulldoze the situation to get my way, so I’m asking you awesome people how you would handle a healthy compromise in this situation. I might not like the answers, but I’m looking for perspective to try and better myself.

TL;DR: I really want to go on a trip, and husband does not. Need ideas for compromise.

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