for context i’m a senior in college and was seeing another senior in college for a few months. i have a lot of baggage from another relationship related to mental illness and i know very well that i don’t need to be in a relationship right now. i started seeing this guy and it was really good, i felt comfortable around him and he made me feel safe and happy and ive never experienced that with a guy before. i do struggle a lot with my mental health and i go through periods of isolation and not talking to people. i also am someone where my energy drains easily and i “regenerate” by being by myself. on top of that im extraordinarily busy and have a lot of responsibilities: class, two clubs, internship, a sorority. most of my days go 9-7 and i come home exhausted and wanting to be by myself, try to workout or just go on tiktok for a bit. the situation feels very much like right person wrong time and i feel awful because i do like this guy a lot but i know i have so much that i need to work on myself before ever stepping into another relationship. he has continually said “why don’t we just try” and while there is truth in that, i don’t want to commit to a relationship knowing that i can’t give 100% and be a good girlfriend. but i know im disappointing the guy and i feel horrible about it. unfortunately between my own mental health struggles and dealing with the sickness and eventual death of a grandparent i feel like ive completely shifted and changed as a person since meeting him and am just no longer in the same mental state. i see a lot of people on the other side of “right person wrong time” not being the one to not want to commit and i feel completely alone in this.

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