I’m not exaggerating here, yesterday she had yoghurt and oranges for lunch and yoghurt and grapes for dinner and that was about it. Even if she decides to have real food, it’ll be a tiny minuscule portion.

She was overweight growing up so it definitely linked to that and her mental health is also not in the best state right now.

I’ve tried every approach in the book but she just doesn’t eat, I’ve cooked for her, ordered food for her, got her easy to prep meals for when I’m not with her but it just doesn’t work. She’ll say she’s not hungry after having 400 calories all day.

Her reasoning behind not having food are along the lines of her not feeling hungry, not in the mood for it, not in the best mental state right now, feeling nauseous, she’ll just have it later etc.

But she’s just caught in a cycle right now. 3 healthy meals a day would do a lot of good for her mental health and I’ve tried showing her the evidence supporting it too but again, no improvement.

And the worst part is that it’s affecting her physical health too, which is not surprisingly in the least. Her recent trip to the gynac didn’t go well, her periods are terrible and irregular, she’s plagued with constant aches and pains across her entire body. Of course it’s not all linked with her not having a good diet but every doctor she’s visited, has told her to fix her diet.

What should I do here? What approach should I use? I’ve tried being as patient as I can but I’m struggling now, to just watch her ruin her entire health.

As much I try to sympathise with her during the times where she has mood swings or her stomach aching too much, lately I just want to scream at her that what else does she expect when she’s been feeding her body sugary junk at best and nothing at all at worst.

Also it’s the same with drinking water, she’ll drink like 300ml a day at the maximum, I know because I check her water bottle levels.

TLDR: girlfriend is plagued with a terrible diet caused by her bad mental health, but just won’t fix her diet no matter what which leads to me being annoyed when she complains of problems caused by her terrible diet itself.

ALSO I have tried reasoning with her to go see a professional about her mental health as a whole, even insisted upon it but she just doesn’t listen, going all silent whenever I propose it or make up excuses, promising to go at a later date only for that date to never come.

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