Recently as I’ve(19f) been trying to keep in touch with my oldest friends from high school, (we’re all in college now) they seem to be replying to me less and less.
During high school we were like best friends and when the pandemic hit it was harder to see each other but we still kept in contact. Now they have stopped messaging me as much and I’m the one who is primarily checking in and seeing how they’re doing, but even so sometimes they don’t reply for days or even don’t reply at all. I know they still have good contact with each other because I see their social media interactions, I feel deeply hurt by this since I had considered them my closest friends and I even know they hung out once without me, since one of them posted it. Is it worth it to ask them why they have stopped talking to me, or should I just cut my losses and let it go?
any advice is greatly appreciated

1 comment
  1. For perspective I (25m) dealt with a similar situation to you where some of my closest friends in high school and even middle school ended up moving away and we lost contact with each other. Some of them still hangout and enjoy the time but for me it never felt like they were excluding me. I think we naturally just grew apart and they found something between them worthwhile to continue growing together! I personally don’t think you should bring up the topic of why with them just yet and maybe just give them some space! If they don’t hit you back up I’d say it’s worthwhile to build a different circle! You are in college now too so I’d say exploring your own interests should be a priority and I assure you as you do that you’ll find yourself being surrounded by individuals who have similar interests as well and those friendships will aid you in your future. Some of my best friends now are from college as well! Then one day if your paths ever do cross again with your friends you will still hopefully be able to have a nice catch up on what you all have been up to individually rather than holding onto a sinking ship and having awkward interactions! Hope this helped and good luck! 🙂

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