I have been seeing this guy and we’re both okay with being FWB but I have never done that before so I just want to know what the rules are. Obviously no strings attached is one of them but what other rules or boundaries should I know about?

  1. There’s no one set of rules for all FWB relationships.

    Talk to him about it. Figure out what your expectations are going in. Are you guys just sleeping with each other? Do you meet up for hang outs that DON’T involve sex?

  2. Rules are whatever you’re both comfortable with, there’s no standard rules here, so discuss with him. I’ve never really had any rules, exclusivity or not is the main one but that’s it

  3. You guys need to establish that between y’all. Usually the rules are set up to make sure there’s no attachment. Some sort allow each other to sleep over. Others may say no dates at all. It depends.

  4. There are as many rules as there are people


    Whatever works for you .. When I read dating sub it seems that FWBs is pure sex and no emotions


    For me personally FWBs have always been small bubbles where we for an evening + maybe night act like BF/GF with huge intimacy and the whole enchilada and then don’t talk or see each other for a weeks or months


    Whatever works for you

  5. The best advice I suggest is to just get together for sex. When you’re both horny, meet up and get to it, then one of you leave. Avoid socializing, doing any type of “relationship-ish” stuff (eating together, talking on the phone, hanging out, etc.). The more time you spend socializing in addition to having sex the greater the odds that one of you will develop romantic feelings for the other.

  6. Absolutley agree with anyone else, rules in that kind of relationships are sooo individual. Just talk with him and make up your own rules that both of you are comfy with. Good luck💖

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