[This post comes from some recent social experiences I’ve had, but it’s confirmed thoughts I’ve had for awhile.]

All of these ‘Social Skill’ guides are pointless; same goes for all of the ‘Mental Disorder’ articles. If you pay enough attention, there is a universality between all of the conditions. At some point, everyone experiences mood swings, anxiety, depression, doubt, regret, sensory issues, awkward moments… I could keep going, but you get the point.

The only way you will find help is from within. All of these guides are merely information. You can try “masking” to attract a person or simply be friends, but that is information you are applying to a situation you are prepared for. YOU ARE NOT TESTING YOURSELF.

The only TEST is to put yourself into situations without preparing every line of dialogue in your head. You will fail. That is not up for discussion. However, you will still be standing, and a better version of yourself; whether through mental resilience or learning a lesson, you can do better in social situations from then on.

In the meantime, whatever you deem the biggest imperfection is what you shall work on. There are plenty of Self-Improvement articles and videos I can link, but you get the idea. The thing to remember is they are **KNOWLEDGE** – use the knowledge in your own way, find your own routines/concepts for improving your life, and slowly get better over time. More importantly, these videos are not God. You don’t need to rely on routine to be successful; rather, you need to rely on yourself being a good person.

The main thing to remember is “One Day at a Time.” This motto comes from AA and other addiction services, but you get the idea. Don’t focus on yourself a year from now; focus on being better than you were yesterday. After all, you are the most powerful person in your life. Why not live up to it?

Some will doubt my advice and be cynical and I leave you all with a quote:


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