My husband (39) has a very successful career in finance. He is in the executive team of his company and his colleagues and team absolutely love and rely on him. When he works from home and I overhear him talk during meetings im completely awestruck at the way he talks and presents himself, its beautiful to watch! He is also extremely nice and patient with the people that he works with, simply put they adore him!

However, his participation in our home life is a different story. He needs direction in completing even the simplest task, cant pick up his clothes after himself or even make up the bed in the morning (to name a few). As soon as he logs off the computer or comes home from work he is either glued to his phone or watching tv with his hands in his pants. We (kids and i) never have his full attention. During weekends he doesnt get up before noon, he can actually be in bed the whole day! He is also very irritable and short tempered at home which is a very glaring contrast with his kind and patient demeanor at work. Im pretty sure if his workmates could watch a video of him at home they would be amazed and think its a clone!

I wonder which of him is the real him and how can i get the “work version” of my husband to also show up at home?

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