Hi I have been with my husband for over 20 since my freshman in high school. Only person I have been with. We have a beautiful family together.My husband has been helping his female co worker get back and forth to work for 5 months. She been at the company for 6 months. He picks her up at 4am. They go on lunch together every day . And he takes her home after 8-12 hour shift. Not including if she needs to do any errands. She lives 30 minutes away from us. The job is 30 minutes away from her place. So every day he commutes out of his way to help this coworker. I don’t like it. I expressed it. I have told him that I don’t feel comfortable. She has too much access to him. He takes her to do errands. She has asked for money.They text and call each other. Not daily but a couple of days out of the week . She has sent selfies of herself .. clothed.. nothing crazy. Miss you messages if he is not at work ..Clearly he likes her. But I don’t know if she likes him. He says he understands my concerns and why I would feel that way..but at the same time that I’m jealous/selfish with him. Only thing he wants to do is help her during her tough time.He has asked for space before to get away from me talking about the situation. But even while he was gone for that weekend. He still tried to hang out with her. But she basically said she was busy. I believe I have the right to be upset as his wife. Am I wrong for feeling this type of way? Or feeling that we may need to go separate ways? Before this we never had a real issue. Always treated me right. He still good to me now. I just don’t like this situation as it can switch to something bad real fast. Thanks for reading.

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