Hi, I’m 17 years old and I can’t hold a conversation or make friends, theirs only one person that I’d consider my friend which was my cousin but that was way back when we were like 6 and since she moved we no longer talk.
I’ve always just blamed it on being homeschooled but I got a job recently and I just can’t keep a conversation going, or make friends.

One big issue I have is: when I actually start talking to someone I always hit this point where I just don’t want to talk to them anymore, it starts off fine and I’ll be excited to get to know this new person but then a day or two passes and I start feeling annoyed?

And we’ll talk they’ll say something I’ll be like “oh really, why” or some generic version of that, they’ll explain it and then I go “wow” or “oh no” and then eventually we just stop talking and I feel like I’m a bad person or like I’m meant to be lonely even when I want to make friends and be a social person, I don’t know why I start feeling the way I do maybe it’s cause I’m not used to having friends and it’s like I try but I always get to a point where I just don’t know what to say or I’m trying so hard not to say the wrong things and not embarrass myself.

I see my coworkers talking and laughing with each and I want to do more than butt in every now and then, I have lots of different interests and hobbies but when it comes to talking to people I feel like I have nothing important or interesting to say and I have no idea how to bring them up.

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