I have never had this happen to me, not with a stranger on the streets, not with an ex girlfriend, nobody. This was an entirely new feeling for me and now I feel like a lovestruck idiot.

My girlfriend and I decided to hang out around the mall and driving around town after her work shift and before mine. We started with checking out the mall since she works close by anyways, and then we went to grab a bite to eat at one of the big chain restaurants nearby, and had fun chatting and eating some wings. It was a really nice day out today, sunny and not cold, but not warm either, so we walked to a bookstore and checked out some interesting books, and made a stop at a pet store to look at the lizards and hamsters.

Eventually we have to call it because I have work and so we head back to my car so I can take her home and go to work. We get going and we’re still having fun chatting in the car, windows down cruising on the highway. As I’m driving I glance at her occasionally because well, I think she’s beautiful and I love to look at her. Unfortunately I can’t keep looking because I’m driving. At some point she looks over at me and I just happen to glance over at that point and it must be something to do with her smile, mixed with her hair flowing in the wind, and the sunlight coming through the window just right…. I just found myself unable to speak and just grinning like an idiot.

She caught on and kept asking what I was smiling about, eventually I was able to tell her I think she’s beautiful. But I didn’t tell her just to what extent I was enraptured by her. I think I had already told her enough today that she’s beautiful and she might not believe me at this point haha.

Anyways that’s how my day went. I haven’t even told this girl I love her for the first time (she’s told me though). Perhaps it’s time…

  1. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt that way about a person, Made me smile.

    Thanks OP for that warm nostalgic feeling.

  2. Man Ive had this moment with one of my big crushes a year ago. It genuinely had never happened to me before. We were with a couple other people catching up a few years after high school but at this particular moment we were by ourselves leaving a building out into the sunset and she like was walking ahead of me and turned around and smiled back at with me with the sunset all glowing on her and shit. I felt like such an idiot like it was straight out of a shitty movie

  3. I’ve had this experience once in my life. It’s a wonderful feeling. I think it’s time as well.

  4. Married 39 years, she still takes my breath away. Can’t believe she is with me.

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