So I’m seeing a new guy for about 6 months he is a dom and i am a sub – and he has a jealousy kink in the way he wants to hear about me with previous partners/what I’ve done with them, etc to ‘wind him up’ he gets jealous over that and then possessive over me (in a good way). However I am new to being with a Dom, and fairly inexperienced sexually where it’s been very simple sex in the past not that there is anything wrong with that. How do I wind him up in that sense – there is almost no boundaries to his kink (he has confirmed this) however I wouldn’t go far to flirt, kiss or do more as that for us is cheating. He also says the way I wind him up does not necessarily need to be true either – but I do not have a creative mind and my inexperience makes me unsure on how to help push the buttons of his kink. Any ideas or information about a jealousy kink would be helpful

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