Hello. My wife and I are both in our early 30s. Our 10 year anniversary is coming up soon. We’ve been pretty happy throughout our marriage but recent changes to our sex life has made my wife unhappy.

Sex never has been important to me. We were probably having sex once a month when we first got married but is was mostly because she was the one who wanted it.

Over the past couple years I’ve felt a pretty extreme shift which has made me want to have sex even less. My wife has gained probably close to 100 pounds which has destroyed my physical attraction to her as well as I feel she’s just super lazy. We both work full time, no kids, but it feels like I’m doing everything at home. I’m taking care of the yard, I’m cleaning every day when I get home, I’m doing the laundry, I’m buying the groceries. The only thing I don’t do everything of is cooking simply because she’s a better cook than me, but still I cook at least 2 days a week.

I’m tired. I don’t have any time for myself anymore. But last night my wife tried to initiate again, and I just wasn’t in the mood for it. I told her not to night and that I was too tired which made her upset. She kept asking why and was crying about but I just kept saying I was tired.

I feel bad that she’s upset by this. But I don’t really know what to say. I dont think anything I can say to her will make things better only worse.

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