I (24M) have been with my girlfriend (24F) for over 7 years, having started to date each other since high school. The beginning of the relationship was tumultuous due to my parents original disapproval of her. Additionally, due to the way I was brought up, there were a number of clashes in values, especially to do with money; I was a very frugal person while she was almost willing to spend on anything. I have admittedly not been a good partner either due to poor social and communication skills. However, she has changed me for the better and I am always grateful for that.

She is currently working while I am in college, having took time off due to mental health issues, which she has helped me cope with. Currently, we are in a temporary long distance relationship due to her having to work abroad for a year. She texted me a while ago saying that while overseas she has seriously reconsidered our relationship and is unsure if she still loves me or has just come to accept who I am and is used to me. She also says that I am not her “ideal” type and has just been sticking w me to see if I will improve to that “ideal”.

Her saying that has left me really hurt, and we have just been texting each other since pretending that nothing has been said, yet it is obvious that she seems more disinterested in texting me, albeit on a more subtle note. In my opinion, there is no real “ideal” partner, and a relationship requires both parties to put in effort and be committed to each other no matter the scenario (barring infidelity of course). Is my opinion wrong? What is the best course of action here?

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