I’ve been freaking out for the past couple of weeks. It seems like my sex drive has plummeted as of late. I’m not sure if this is suppose to be the normal part of aging or not, but it felt like such a sudden and sharp decline.

I used to masturbate a couple of times a day. Now it’s maybe once a week if I remember. I would get rock hard, but now it feels a lot softer and it’s even smaller. I remember being closer to 8 inches in size, now it’s not even 7 when I get erect. It’s extremely depressing, especially considering I haven’t had sex in almost a year. You’d think I’d be busting through my pants, literally and figuratively.

I’m not sure if it’s just my testosterone going down or if it could be some other kind of issue? Stress? Anxiety? Lack of Sleep? I started exercising again a couple of weeks ago, lifting 5 days a week. But I haven’t really noticed any change.

Is this normal? Is there anyway to reverse this? Testosterone supplements? Injecting Tiger Blood in veins? Am I really at the age where I need to start taking Viagra or do I need to see a dick specialist?

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