As title says I feel weird. They got matching tattoo’s and its a great story and all that. And I knew about the plan to get matching tattoo’s just not that it would be their faces. (They where talking about roses, hearts and butterflies, all lovely ideas that I really liked)
Its just that I feel really weird having sx while my mother in law is “right there”
And yea I should just stop thinking about it, but its not that easy.

Any advice here?

TLDR: I feel weird having sx with a picture of my mil on my wife’s body.

  1. I will feel weird as well. Roses and butterflies would have been so much better. Even the half hearts. Maybe cover it up? (I don’t know, it’s just weird.)

  2. Bro. No. Why would they do that I—. I’d feel awkward as heck. And it’s definitely 100% weird, your feelings are valid.

  3. Placement of the tatoo? Could she cover it with gauze or something during sex?

  4. Sweet baby Jesus, you poor soul. But being serious your gonna have to have this conversation and its not going to be pleasant. Maybe try to explain it like this ” you know how some people can’t get it up with Jesus,Mary, Buddha pictures/statues in the room. Well you kind of did that but with your mom’s face…. on your body. It’s like being watched and makes me extremely uncomfortable.” No real easy way to explain it but that’s the best I could come up with on short notice. Bet your FIL is having a similar issue atm. Why did they think this was a good idea?

  5. How are you gonna tell a story like this but leave out where the tattoo is?? Pretty important detail.

  6. Yeah, your wife needs to have her head examined because who thinks that’s a good idea when you’re married is next-level crazy. Most people would have intimacy issues with their MIL’d face on their SO’s body and those that wouldn’t would be left wondering why (are they attracted to said MIL).

    As for the issue at hand, there’s nothing not but one healthy and reasonable thing for you to do. That’s to have an open and frank talk with your wife about this and come up with a solution to this together. Don’t be aggressive or accuse her of anything. I wish you luck and I’m sorry your wife suffered a brain fart on tattoo day.

  7. with time seeing tattoos we get used to it pretty fast imo

    do all frames and pictures in the room you are having sex in makes you uncomfortable?

    relax bro you’ll get used to it.

    I’m more concerned about you focusing on this that bad but yeah… really not a big deal here.

  8. This is like the time someone was seeing a girl who had her grandmother’s face tattooed on her back and all the replies were that he was selfish and how dare he not want to have sex with her while making eye contact with meemaw

  9. Oh. wow. I feel like there maybe should have been more discussion on this prior to getting the ink. I have a friend who wakes up next to her husband’s giant upper arm tattoo of a two horned demon/monster named Keith. I still would have rather wake up next to Keith than my xMIL.

  10. Tell your wife that while sex i am feeling that i am fucking your mom .. may be she will decide to wipe off 😀

  11. Do you have a father in law? Ask him about how the tattoo has impacted their sex life

  12. My mom is my best friend and she knows way more about me than she should but I would never get her face tattooed. That’s so fucked lol. We were talking about getting alpaca or elephant tattoos together though (elephants are our fav and she calls me her baby alpaca and I call her momma alpaca)

  13. I’m honestly pretty against getting portraits of people you know tattoo’d on you.

    I have faces on my arm and chest but they’re abstract characters designed for the theme.

    My buddy has a tattoo of his kid and a hand print on his chest, super cute idea, his wife won’t let them have sex with the lights on now cause she finds it super weird seeing her babies face.

    I respect the idea of why people do it, but to me, it’s just a little odd.

  14. Honestly these comments not it. How you gonna tell her you get turned off by a tattoo of her mom? How about just not look at it and look at her? Like the point of sex is to be intimate with your s/o unless it’s on her forehead or something, it would not bother me. Y’all some weirdos Fr. I think she’d be offended by it tbh especially since it’s a work of art. Wouldn’t be any different if it was a cartoon character who you thought was unattractive. You wouldn’t tell her to cover it up I’m sure

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