I (22M) have been with my gf (20F) for about 3 months. We were very close constantly texting each other non-stop, seeing each other whenever we could then something funny happened. She got really really lovey with me for about a week for whatever reason then one day instantly went to being distant out of no where, replying slower and conversations honestly weren’t as interesting. I really doubt it was anything such as cheating or meeting someone new but it was so random and sudden.

So for the first 2 days I ask her if everything’s okay because shes been different recently. She just claims it’s because she’s depressed, has these “phases” and will be okay in a few days. I accepted it and gave her space but we still talked. About 2 weeks go by and we’re supposed to meet again and she cancels twice so at this point I tell her again that she’s being different and whether she’s trying to make me break up with her or something.

She doesn’t reply for about a day to which I hit her with another message saying I wanted to just talk about if things are okay between us to which she replies about 2 hours later saying that she had been thinking about our relationship for a while and wanted to talk to me in person after she came back from her trip (since she was going on a trip in a few days after that). I just tell her okay we’ll talk when you’re back and to have fun to which she just says okay we’ll talk when you’re back and apologises as well. I don’t reply to that I just leave it for a few days until shes back.

The day after her trip ends I hit her up with a message basically just saying hey I didn’t say anything because I needed some space and that she probably needed some too then asked how her trip was.

This was 3 days ago now and she has still not replied or even opened it, what’s even funnier is that she’s still checking my stories. I’m really stuck between what to do now because I was promised a talk. Initially I wanted to talk to her about what the problems were and if they were fixable since afaik we never had any problems or even argued, but now I just want some closure since I have no idea where I stand. Like what if she finally decides to reply after a week when I start getting over it or never responds. I’m not sure whether to just accept whatever this is or try and somehow speak to her whether that’s to meet her in person or try messaging her again. To me it feels like she’s just being cowardly and scared of confrontation but I guess what’s on my mind is to just make it clear to her I’m not here to get angry at her or anything like that I just wanted to understand what happened and end things in a healthy way with neither of us hating each other. Honestly it just feels like I’m being treated worse than a stranger.

tl;dr asked gf about her being distant, she said she wanted to talk about our relationship after she’s back from a trip but now that she’s back she is ghosting me.

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