So, me and my boyfriend(let’s call him mike) have been together for about 7 months and it is amazing. He’s very open with me and I feel like he’s given me every reason to trust him.

However, he told me that he cheated in his last relationship while they had problems. She was on an exchange term, and they had a lot of fights/arguments. During this time mike hung out a lot with his friends and one night, this one girl stayed a bit longer at his place than the rest and made a move. She was in a relationship as well at this time. The cheating lasted for a couple weeks and they went as far as to consider a threesome (which didn’t happen luckily). Eventually the girl told her boyfriend that she’d cheated with other men, but did not tell her bf that she cheated with mike (my now bf).

When mikes ex came back from her exchange, he tried to fix the relationship but it didn’t work. They stayed friends and had a few one in one deep talks about their relationship, but he never told her about the cheating. His ex is also friends with the girl he cheated with and they see one another sometimes. He still talks with his ex semi-weekly over text and she invited him to her homewarming party (as well as the girl he cheated with, as she had No idea about it). So they are still friends.

I’m glad he is being open with me and tells his past truthfully, however him having lied to his ex is alarming. I have met the girl he cheated with many times as she is in the same friend group as him, she is still together with the guy she cheated on. Me + mike have hung out with them a bit during small gatherings. I feel weird over the continued friendship with both as he never told his ex, and the girl’s bf doesnt know about it either. Im not worried about him and the girl as there is nothing between them anyone, but their history leaves a bad taste in my mouth as he’s keeping this secret while still hanging out with the people he has betrayed (both his ex and the girl’s bf whom he’s friends with).

TL;DR: bf cheated on ex with mutual friend two years ago. Didn’t tell her about it, and stayed friends with both

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