Me(18M) and my gf(18F) have been in a relationship for almost half a year now and we’ve constantly been having arguments on a regular basis now.

And it’s always the small things that cause arguments between us and most of the time it’s her fault, but when I try to make her realise her mistake, instead of admitting fault and apologizing she gets personal with me or extremely defensive and brings senseless topic into the argument or even try to bait out my faults.

We’ve had a talk many times that her not admitting to her faults is making me unhappy and she then apologizes at the end and promises to change but she repeats the same mistakes every other time. It’s also not helping that she constantly keeps forgetting the stuff that I request her to do.

I’ve recently initiated a breakup and she’s asking to give her another chance when I’ve lost count on how many chances I gave her But even after the breakup I feel so guilty that I want to give her another chance but also in fear that the situation will end the same

I don’t wanna give up on her but should I move on thinking we’re just not compatible or give her another last chance hoping for a change. How do I approach this situation. Is it worth giving it another shot?

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