This is an obvious “no” which is fine with me, but wtf do I even say to that? I was thinking about saying “not sure if you have plans? You can just say no it won’t hurt my feelings hahaha”

  1. General rule: Unless it’s a definite yes or if she suggests to reschedule if she can’t make the date … it’s a no.

    Just say “that’s not a problem, let me know when you’re next free. Hope you have a good time” and move on. Let her suggest it next time.

  2. You don’t say anything. Just leave it at that. She might reach out to you in a few days to hang out again. I’m going assume since it’s casual, she’s looking to make plans. Just not with you. Not meant to sound harsh either, she’s just looking to hang out with other friends. Keep yourself busy in the meantime.

  3. Just say “ok no worries” and then move on with your life. Nothing more you can say really that won’t make you look bad in some way shape or form

  4. I’ve used similar phrasing when I’ve offered a plan to someone who hasn’t made a decision yet. I declined the subsequent invitation to avoid double-booking but couldn’t say that I had plans because it wasn’t true. It was basically the same thing though.

  5. Just remember that being free doesn’t mean being available, you’ve been dating for a while take it easy.

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