Me (m26) and her (f27) have flirted many times. When we’re alone together she looks right at me. Stands close. Strokes her hair. Smiles. Talks to me for hours. Laughs at my jokes that aren’t even remotely funny. Compliments me daily. Multiple times per day. We often sit and talk about what we want in a partner and a future…and everytime it feels like we’re describing eachother exactly.

But it feels like every time I try to push things a little further, she stonewalls me. I haven’t directly asked her out yet, but I do subtle things to essentially ask permission to ask her out. I will send her memes, text her nice things, send hearts on her story on social media. Etc. And when I text her, she’ll take 5 hours to respond. She won’t look at the memes I send her until I see her in person. She will like the memes several minutes after I leave.

I’m so lost. I feel like I’m reading into the most minor of details. And I feel like I’m in constant distress at the idea that she’s not actually into me, despite the fact she’s given me so many signals. What are some reasons why she may be doing this to me? Am I just delusional? She only sees me as a friend? She wants to keep me on the hook in case? I don’t understand.

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