struggling with sex

I (19f) and my bf (22m) have been together for a couple of months. We’ve already had sex a couple of times, but on a few occasions we’ve had to call it a day because he couldn’t penetrate me. I don’t have any issues when I’m by myself, so I don’t know if it’s because I’m nervous or due to a lack of foreplay, or maybe he wasn’t hard enough. We’re both quite inexperienced (neither of us have had a relationship before) and I find it difficult to communicate to him what it is i like out of shame. I still haven’t been able to come, even though i enjoy it when he goes down on me, he sometimes tries to finger me when i’m simply not wet enough and it just hurts and i end up faking my enjoyment. I would like to ask him to use a vibrator on me as i recently bought one for the first time and have really been enjoying it, but i don’t know how to have that conversation. he’s also been able to come almost every time and i don’t want him to think he’s bad at sex, but i want him to understand it’s much harder for me to climax and that i need more foreplay than him. please someone help.

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