I’m not sure who’s familiar with online orgs, but they have a huge cult following of people in these things. It’s essentially online versions of shows like Survivor and Big Brother. Groups os strangers meet and do challenges and vote each other out. There’s hundreds. Some last a month. Some are a few days. My wife has been doing these for a year. She has hopes of making it on a real produced TV show and thinks this will help her meet people who have been on or producers.

I am not the kind of husband that wants to control what she does. I don’t care what she does if this is what she likes. The issue is it’s non stop. There’s the actual gane part that’s like 2-3 hours a night. But the worst part of the non-stop texting. Constantly having calls with people to “strategize.” I am feeling completely ignored.

This is no secret. I’ve shared my thoughts that she needs a balance. We have gotten jntk loud arguments over this and each time she promises she will curb it and not do it all the time. But after a few days she’s back fully invested. And I’m the one doing the majority of the work. Although we both cook dinner for our kids. She’s heads down I. Her phone and I’m taking to the kids. Cleaning up after them. Getting them to bed. Since these things last till like 1, she sleeps while I’m preparing breakfast and getting kids ready for school.

The worse is when she’s involved in these games she is so intense and focussed it’s impossible to even have a conversation with her.

We are in marriage counseling and she keeps saying she knows tk take it down a bit. But she says me asking her to finish early is making her feel like I’m telling her she can’t do this stuff.

Not sure what to do. There’s no getting through tk her. Even my kids tell her to get off e phone and she yells at me for forcing them to say it. They just see how she aces.

I have all the time in the world to write this because she’s doing one right now.

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