Hi everyone, I’m wondering how I should handle this situation. My best friend has been having trouble in her marriage. I invited her to stay with me for a weekend just so she could have a little bit of time away to try maybe decompress. She said she couldn’t due to plans already scheduled on the weekends I offered and I said no biggie, we can plan for another time. I thought I’d leave it open in case she didn’t really want to come visit but didn’t feel like she could say so. Then she said she wanted to come down with her spouse and stay with me so they could visit a different friend for their baby shower…which I am not invited to. I think it’s fine to turn down my offer to stay for a weekend, but rude to turn it into an invitation for her, her spouse and to top it all of basically use my place as a hotel while she hangs out with someone else. I’m prone to being pretty sensitive, and tough times at work have made things worse. Is this rude, and am I overreacting?

I am not really receptive to hosting them while they have marital problems. I was good with having one of them over to try to help, but I know if they’re both here they’ll squabble a little, especially with an event to go to like a baby shower. Does anyone have any advise on how to politely turn them down even though they know the weekend is free for me?

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