I’ve had this crush on girl that works at a small store near me foe about a month now. Whenever she would ring me up we would have small talk about wtv, but nothing crazy. She requested to follow me on IG about 2 weeks ago and I followed her back too. I said what the hell and shot her a dm telling her I want to get to know her better and she said that was good with her. The conversation was pretty good the first day we texted all night back and forth it was cool. She opened up way too fast I think and started telling about how she doesn’t ever sleep around that that’s not her thing and stuff. Also that she had been cheated on by her high school sweetheart and how it hurt her and stuff. We just changed the subject and went said goodnight. The next day it was wayyyy slower and then the last day, it was one message from her and me responding only to get left on delivered for 2 days now. Should I try to put some more effort in and try to reopen contact or should I just take it as a loss?

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