I’m (40W) a sociologist. I’m keenly aware that people make subconscious decisions about you based on how you present yourself. How you dress, how you act, how you speak, and even how attractive you are can make a difference in how someone perceives you. I’ve worked in government for 15 years and I’m ready to transition to the private sector. I’m tagging along to a casual networking event with my friend that works for a large construction/property management company. I’m hoping to start some conversations there and catch some eyes for potential job opportunities (It sounds like a weird fit, but my experience and skills are transferrable.) so here’s my question, how should I present myself? Most of the leadership there will be men, and a large proportion of the employees are men. Originally I thought I’d wear something business casual, but form fitting to call attention to myself and potentially start some conversations. I could remain more casual in my conversations and highlight my ability to make connections. Then I thought I should downplay my feminine features to seem more professional. I would avoid using casual language and pay attention to my posture, projecting competence. Then I thought maybe I should be giving more “professor” vibes to highlight my education and skills. I’d spend more time listening and focus on having fewer meaningful engaging conversations.

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