I am 27F. I have 2 dogs, Millie an Australian cattle dog aka blue heeler and Lulu a minpin/Chihuahua mix.

Lulu is the sweetest dog ever, she is 13 years old. I found her in a ditch. She has no idea she isn’t still a puppy. She is very well trained, loves people, and loves to ride in the car. I take her with me often. She loves to be held.

Millie is only about a year and a half old. I got her from one of my neighbors. Millie is what would happen if you gave the Energizer bunny meth. She is absolutely wild. She is trained, I paid for her to be trained by a guy I know that trains police dogs because I’m partially disabled ( my leg ran off without me, I have a prosthetic but fast I am not) and couldn’t keep up with her. She loves to run and she loves to play.

I work from home most of the time, I do go in for meetings and stuff like that maybe once or twice a month but 99% of the time I am at home.

Twice a day I get on the atv and Millie and I go 3 miles down the dirt road( 6 miles total per trip) It is her absolute favorite because she can run as fast as she wants and doesn’t have to be slowed down waiting for me. She knows she has to stop at the creek, that’s where we turn around and go back home.

No one lives on this dirt road and it’s insanely long. We may see logging trucks but that’s about it so it’s the safest place to let her run. She knows commands so if there is a truck all I have to do is call her back and wait for them to pass.

Millie is very high maintenance, she needs stimulation or she becomes destructive. So I set up obstacle courses and have a tennis ball cannon for her. We play a lot of games and she herds my neighbors cows for him when he needs her to. I try to keep her busy. I have a decent sized yard and keep plenty for her to do.

My boyfriend (32) doesn’t particularly like either of my dogs. Lulu likes to be picked up and doesn’t believe her feet should ever touch the floor. She sleeps between my legs at night and is absolutely spoiled rotten. He can’t stand her constantly wanting attention and to be held. He also hates having to deal with Millie’s constant need for stimulation and thinks she should go to someone who has time for that and I should get something less high maintenance.

I knew when I got Millie she would be high maintenance, I grew up with heelers I know how wild they can be.

Anyway he complains about my dogs every time he comes over and I’m sick of it. I don’t ask him to do anything with them. He doesn’t have to do any of the keeping Millie busy or the holding of Lulu.

I am seriously considering dumping him. He has said many times if he moved in I’d have to pick one and get rid of the other. I’m not getting rid of either of my dogs and it’s caused a fight several times. Which is why he doesn’t live here.

I’m not sure how I should deal with this. I like him but I don’t “get rid of my dogs” like him.

Tdlr-my boyfriend hates my dogs and doesn’t want to deal with them. He wants me to get rid of them. I’m not sure how to deal with him.

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