My husband and I have known another couple for more than 10 years. During that time we socialized often- had dinners together, sometimes vacationed together and generally spent a lot of our weekends with them. Her husband is much older and can no longer do everything we used to do because of his physical limitations. She has mentioned on more than one occasion that she only married him for a green card (but they have a child together and have been married for over 20 years). He can be difficult to deal with so I understand her frustrations. She and I would often get together without our spouses and sometimes I would join her to complain about our spouses, but most of the time it was just her. I have told her about the problems in my marriage (lack of intimacy and sex, his texting other women behind my back, money issues etc).

At times she has gotten mad that my husband and I went out without them. (It was nothing I thought they would be interested in and we wanted to go out alone on a date. I thought it might be a cultural difference that she thought we should invite them so I chalked it up to that.) Since her husband has had physical issues doing things she sort of invites herself along with my husband and I. She will call and ask me if I want to get together but if I tell her that I’m planning to do something with my husband she wants to tag along. So in the past few years we’ve had threesomes and I gradually got tired of having her there. She is always extremely complimentary to my husband (while loudly complaining about hers). She also fishes for compliments from my husband about her looks (he ignores her). When we’ve invited them to our house for parties she has taken my husband by the arm to get my husband alone to talk and is very touchy. (I wasn’t around to see this. I only heard about it later from other people at the party.) I’ve told her in the past that I don’t like my husband privately texting other women but I found out recently that she had also been texting my husband without my knowledge (innocent texts but with heart or kissing face emojis). My husband showed me the texts and they were always initiated by her but I was still annoyed that he didn’t tell me about it. She was texting much more with my husband than with me and even when we had group chats (her husband was never invited) she would often ignore my texts and answer his. She took selfies with my husband but not with me. At one point she sat on his lap right in front of me but pretended it was a joke. Eventually my gut told me that she was interested in him and I thought she was being disrespectful to me. I told her I thought she was acting inappropriately with him. She then blocked me and tried contacting my husband using her husband’s phone (since my husband had blocked her).

I thought I was right to confront her about her behavior but now I’m second guessing myself. Is her behavior normal or sketchy? Was I too quick to call her out? Should my husband have been the one to do it?

TL/DR: I thought a mutual friend was being too friendly with my husband and I confronted her about it. Now I’m second guessing myself about whether that was the right thing to do.

There was no sex between her and either one of us. The “threesome” I refer to is platonic outings like hikes or going shopping. Nothing sexual.

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