Is it worth telling her how much she means to me?

Has any man done this and what was her reaction? And did that bring you guys closer or further apart?

For the ladies in here, how would you feel if a guy you don’t think anything of told you, in a structured way, that you mean a lot to them? (By “structured way” I mean not just “you mean a lot to me” but more like “I only see you once a week and every time we are supposed to go out I get super nervous because I don’t want to mess things up but once I see you it becomes the be best day of the week” sort of way)

Would your answers to the questions above change if she means a lot to me but as a friend, a really dear friend? Someone you enjoy being around

As weird as it might sound, I am like switched off from a dating standpoint and I dont think I am in love, just really hold her precious as a friend. I am in my early 20s and my main goal right now is to be financially independent. Have a net worth of around £180k (0 help from parents or friends, infact I help my parents) and aiming to be a milionaire by 30. She has no clue of my financial position tho as I dress not great and dont drive and have a cheap phon and just in general dont look like I have money at all. To get here I had to socially isolate myself and had to supress my wants and needs and only now, since I have met this special person, I realised that I have also managed to supress my emotions and she has kind of awakened them. I ve been feeling pretty funny lol

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