I’ve (22F) been talking to this guy (25m) for a little over a month. We text everyday all day and send videos talking back and forth but he doesn’t like to call or will fall asleep before we do. I’ll ask when we can meet each other and go on a date and his answer is soon. We have both said we want a long term relationship and that is the only thing we’re looking for, but for me the start of that is actually meeting and going out with them. It is so hard for me to come up with things to talk about over text especially when I haven’t met someone and that is all he wants me to do. I want to give him 2 weeks (he goes on a ski bachelor trip for a couple days tmrw) and let valentines pass till I completely throw it away. But HOW do I explain that without sounding “whiny” or like I’m complaining? I just don’t want to waste my time when I actually am starting to feel something for him.

  1. Is he back for valentine? 

    Did you ask me to be your valentine yet
    Because theres this cute place for new couples i want to check out 

    If you already put a deadtimer on it, why not be bold yourself 

  2. You guys have been talking for a month and haven’t went on a date yet?? Two weeks is generous. I would pull back and see if he asks you out when he gets back from his trip. Agree with the other commentor he should be your Valentine if he’s interested

  3. You ask “when” and he says “soon”? Ask him what that means – to me, that sounds like you’re not a priority, especially after a month of interaction.

    Don’t leave it up to him – suggest a time and activity when you know he’s free and see how he reacts. If he makes excuses and can’t find time to meet you, he isn’t interested or has other priorities. I would move on after that.

    Giving him a deadline is an ultimatum – that doesn’t sound like a good way to start out.

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