He (M22) is a friend of the family who I’ve (F27) just started getting close to when he came over our house during the Christmas period.
We are in different cities as he’s at university about 90 minutes away but visits often.

We’ve been talking for a month or so now.
He’s often saying stuff about how I’m too good for him etc. and asking quite a few times whether I’m seeing anyone else. Telling me how much he wants me , can’t stop thinking about me and how he feels insecure because he doesn’t want me talking or seeing anyone else.
He’s mentioned before that he is sometimes hesitant to message in case he’s annoying me.
I’ve tried to reassure him as best I can and told him I’m really into him and there’s nothing to worry about

We have arranged to meet a couple of times but hasn’t happened because the day before he ALWAYS goes silent.

I’m ready to cut things off now, but realized he might just be this way because of his mild autism.

Last contact was yesterday. He tried to call me at midnight when I was asleep after not talking to me all day (which is usually unlike him). I didn’t respond as I’m fed up of him cancelling.
We’ve had no contact since.

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