I have been married for 20 years. We have 2 small children. When we first got together it was a volatile relationship mostly because we were teenagers. We have basically grown up together. Over the last few years I noticed myself minimizing myself to keep him happy. What I mean by that is walking on egg shells to make sure he doesn’t get upset. He has never hit me nor have I ever thought he would. I changed after we had kids, I refused to let them see us argue or anything like that, because I grew up in a dysfunctional home. Over the last year our arguments have become worse. Yesterday we had a fight because my 5 yearold threw up at school so I refused to let him go to track practice. This fight culminated in him screaming curse words in my face infront of my children( that had never happened before). My daughter started hysterically crying, I had a talk with her later about how the fight wasn’t ok but reassured her that everything will be fine. I don’t think everything will be fine but I was trying to soothe her anxiety. I’m thinking about just divorcing him. I still love him, but I don’t deserve this. I never thought I’d divorce, but this fight and my kids seeing it has really got me considering it. I’m starting to think us together will do more damage to them than us apart. I’m open to all advice. If you think I’m overreacting I’m open to that too. I don’t really know what other people’s marriages are like…

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