I (20M) have virtually no social life right now and I pretty much have no real-life friends. I have severe social anxiety and while I’m seeking therapy for this, it will be a long time before I get in anywhere because of the wait times where I live. I failed to make any friends in high school because of this. In university things have been slightly better for me, but I really only have acquaintances I talk to in class and no close friends. University starts for me again in about a month, and 2024 will be my last year. I don’t want to waste my youth once again by being alone. I know how hard it is to make friends after school, so I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for how I can turn my situation around and make the best out of this year?

  1. Babe first thing this is temporary!! I promise you. Show up to events, clubs, any type of gathering & just participate in small talk. Expose yourself to having to interact on an everyday basis until you don’t find it hard anymore. Don’t worry if you say the wrong thing, or someone thinks you’re weird or wtv. They’re all just strangers. (Ik easier said than done, but you have to work on your mindset that ppl are just ppl) Eventually, just how naturally things occur, you’ll find people who you actually like & connect with. I moved to a completely new city at 18 (for college as well) knowing nobody so I know it’s tough. I didn’t make a single friend in my program- but I did through living close to campus. Maybe get yourself at least twice a week to spend a couple hours just walking around campus. No need to have a motive (I know it sounds weird) but smile at people & just be curious to your surroundings. You have to have open body language so don’t be just walking with your head phones in. Don’t be afraid to approach people & just ask random questions. Ex you see someone wearing a clothing company you like- ask them if they got it online or in store. You see someone struggling to find a place or carry something, help them. Once again hang tight because this is a short period of your life. Even if this is super scary do it anyway. If you want a different outcome you have to do something different. Take care xx

  2. Whenever you find someone with an interesting outfit, talent or anything you find admiring,
    —> Go up to them and greet and introduce yourself. Then compliment them on that interest.

    Try to practice and get things going like this.

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