I am 20 M guy , i am use mobile phone 10 hours . what i do nothing just scrolling my phone i feel so feasted in my life, can you give me some tips how i am control my mobile usage

  1. Look down. See the ground? Throw your phone at it. Can you still read this? If so throw it again. Phone still working? Refer yourself back to question two.

  2. Do you have a computer as well as a phone, or just the phone?

    If so then one thing you can do is delete apps that take the most time from you. Social media apps, games, anything that is really taking control, just delete it.

    You could look at getting a more simple phone too. Maybe a phone that just has the essential apps, but nothing else.

    There are also apps like Freedom or Forest that can block apps and websites.

    You can also just make it harder for you to pick up your phone and use it. Some have an option to set the screen to black and white. Or you could just leave it in a drawer in another room when you need to get away from it. Also get a watch, that way you won’t check your phone for the time.

    But most important is that you have something else to do, or that you learn to be OK with not doing anything. That can be hard and it takes some practice, but it’s possible. Take up some kind of hobby or activity that doesn’t need a screen. Even just colouring books or jigsaw puzzles, it doesn’t need to be something complicated and skillful, just something to occupy your hands. And then you could look at things like meditation and mindfulness, to learn how to be present in the moment and awre of your actions, rather than acting mindlessly.

    It can be difficult, but with some effort, you can do it!

  3. You’re 20 years old and posting in r/teenagers asking if girls could humiliate you and asking if they can make you their slave.

    When you’re eventually behind bars you’ll have plenty of time away from your screen you sick fuck. Do us all a favor and listen to the comment that told you to smash your phone.

  4. Delete all your apps when you close them. This makes it a bit more mentally annoying to get back on them. You have to download, login, ….

    I did this with fb, insta and snap and after a few weeks stopped downloading them.

    And set a goal to do something productive for 5 minutes a day. Maybe read for 5 minutes and put an x on a calender for every day you hit.

    If you’re really serious about change read/listen to atomic habbits.

    Good luck.

  5. Limit your screen time. Just open setting and only allow yourself a certain amount of time in each app.

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