What was the fastest time for you to hook up? Where did it happen?

  1. Introductions. Walk to a small barn about 100ft away (it was an outdoor party) commence. It was something like: Me: You’re jacked, fine, and I’m horny
    Him: Let’s fuck.

    4 minutes later we were done. I never knew his name. Not usually my style but I had just broken up with my first ever bf (I had been a virgin before that) and apparently I was starting my self-hate period.

  2. My husband and I. We met at work and we would always go to lunch together when we were just friends. One day on a drive out to lunch the convo somehow turned sexual and I told him I hadn’t been intimate in a while and he said that he hadn’t either and that we should “fix” that. We drove back to his house and we were gone for two hours. Fortunately our job didn’t bother as much with the hours as long as we did our sales for the day, but our close coworkers were like wtf so we told them that the car broke down during our lunch.

  3. I was walking into a club and this really cute girl grabbed my hand and pulled me back out saying “my hotel room is only about two blocks from here” . and before you ask , yes , it was really hot , so much so, that we hooked up again the next night ( her last in town ) ironically, I still suffer from confidence issues when it comes to women and still need them to take the lead like that 😉

  4. Was travelling and brought a guy back to my hostel room for a shag. It was really bad and after he left I started chatting to a guy in the bunk on the other side of the room. He challenged that he could do a better job. I invited him into my bunk and he was indeed much better.

  5. My current boyfriend and I. He messaged me on tinder immediately after matching and said “if you sit on my face I’ll eat my way to your heart.” Totally wooed, I met him at a local park. We spent the summer hooking up, then lost touch for about a year and a half.

    We ended up matching on tinder again, he asked me a on a real date, and we’ve been together for the last 4 years.

  6. Maybe an hour? It was on a tour bus.

    Went to go see a somewhat popular/known band and one of my guy friends knew one of the band members. He took me back with him to hang out after they got done playing. His friend in the band and I hit it off immediately and we ended up having sex in the little bed area on their bus.

    Not my classiest moment but I regret nothing 😂😇

  7. (Please don’t judge me. I was young and dumb lol)
    During my hoe phase, this random guy. His car, 30 SECONDS. Ghosted him after that.

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