My friends roommate has covid. Exposed people are supposed to quarantine for 10 days and test after 5. His roomie is till sick meaning he’d have to wait until his roomie got better and then start the 10 day low contact. So it wouldn’t be extreme isolation. He wanted to go to the arcade because he tested negative but that’s not enough. Immunocompromised people can’t afford to get sick and a lot of people can’t afford to miss work because of inconsiderate people. I said no and then he just shoots out a day 3 days later to hang out. i’m just sick of the lack of consideration for other people. The person who made his roomie sick probably had that same nonchalant attitude .Going to the arcade in 2 weeks isn’t a big deal . But I wasn’t about to go back and forth about why he needs to just stick to the basics and not risk having a whole group of people exposed just to hang out. I shouldn’t have to explain this to an adult.

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