What are some rumors people have made about you?

  1. One time my sister in law came by and spent the whole time bad mouthing my sister. Then went and told my sister I said everything she had said to me! It cost me precious time with my sister before she passed.

  2. When I was in 8th grade, I became friends with a girl that this other girl didn’t like, so the other girl started a rumor that I was apparently lesbian since I played ice hockey and had never had a boyfriend. She then tried to get a bunch of guys to rate me on a 1-10 scale for looks and tried to get them to give me a bad rating. Most of them refused to rate me though since I was friendly with most of them.

  3. That I slept with someone that I didn’t. I can understand how they could have gotten that idea, but it was the first time I’d ever experienced people spreading actual lies about me.

  4. Apparently I pushed a girl down the stairs in high school.

    I remember that day. She was walking backwards and fell down the stairs. Since I was the one standing closest to her when it happened, I guess it made for a better story to say I pushed her.

  5. i got the “i’m a mean bitch” rumor spread about me from this girl whose essay i critiqued for AP lit. i tried to be as nice as possible in criticizing it because her essay was shit. but that didn’t stop her. although what i found out later is that she took literally everything personally. she took not being invited to someone’s birthday celebration personally (this person in question only invited two people). she ended a friendship with someone because they didn’t want to eat out at some restaurant she liked. idk she was super insecure of herself.

  6. I had a particularly vindictive friend in high school that knew I had stayed in a mental hospital. I was at school (important information for the next part) when another friend saw me and seemed confused. She told me the other girl was telling everyone that I committed suicide. I WAS AT SCHOOL. I wasn’t even mad, I just thought it was so ridiculous.

  7. When I lived at home growing up, my step mom forbid me from hanging out/speaking with my little brother because apparently I conspired to kill him. We were outside eating plants when we were young and in her crazy head that was me trying to kill my brother. 🫠

  8. My high school bully spread around school that I was HIV+. I wondered why everyone kept avoiding me suddenly. The rumors got around to the assistant principal and guidance counselors. They called my parents in for a conference with the school nurse and the school system’s health director. Those rumors ruined my life for about a year and came months after a major life-changing event that was traumatizing. I hated high school so much. 🙁

  9. That I am a lesbian and a sl*t.

    Both are actually true, but you don’t need to gossip about them.

  10. That I was rich and my lipgloss had diamonds in it (I grew up in the ghetto and we sometimes didn’t have running water)

  11. I have recently experienced significant weight loss, and my mother-in-law inquired if I was using methamphetamine. Her granddaughter, who is my husband’s niece, suggested that this was the only possible explanation for my weight loss.

    It is noteworthy that, with the exception of my husband and his mom, every member of their family is known to engage in drug use.

  12. That my (ex now) boyfriend had proposed to me. Apparently I said no not because we had only dated for a year, but because I was sleeping with a manager in another department. Found out the woman who started this was actually projecting some crazy insecurities onto me because she had slept with him a year before and still had feelings. Meanwhile I was just helping book keep a gambling pool for NFL lmao.

  13. That I fucked a lot of the guys at my high school,

    I fucked a lot of dudes but none of them went to my school or knew anyone there lol

  14. My brother told everyone that I had sex with a friend of his and I most certainly didn’t. I fought that rumor for years! (I’d been married for ten years at that point.) Recently my brother apologized and admitted he only told that rumor to be a dick. I forgave him. But also, fuck you Greg!

  15. Boy at school made up a rumour that I was pregnant at like 13. Somehow went around the whole school and I was constantly dragged for it. Even made it out of school, and reached one of the trainers at the gym my Aunt owned who asked if I was. Obviously I was not pregnant.

  16. Once in college I dumped a guy for threatening suicide when I didn’t let him borrow my computer, and he pounded on my door for like 20 minutes.

    The housing lottery was coming up the next wee, so the next day he asked if he could still live with us next year, and I said no, so his mom called us begging, and I told her “he pounded on my door until campus police took him away, why do you think I would feel safe living with him next semester?”

    So the next semester, every time he saw me coming, he would turn around and run in the other direction. I figured he was really bothered emotionally. Once, I went to a Halloween party on campus, and was chatting with some friends from my hometown who were new incoming freshmen, and they said to each other “Huh, I wonder why Exboyfriend’sname isn’t here yet.” And I said “Oh, was he dressed as Batman? I think he ran away when he saw me coming.” And she said “HOLY SHIT, YOU’RE *SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED???*”

    Turns out he told everyone I had a vindictive restraining order against him and he was legally required to stay 100 feet away from me at all times, so it was a requirement, you see. He HAD to run away because of the law.

  17. Okay so like, my girlfriend is older than me and I was 19 when we got together

    Some asshole ex-friend of hers went around telling people I was 15

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