
I (27M) have been in this situation with a longtime friend (29F) of mine for over a decade since both of us were teenagers. Long story short we used to be real close back then in 2014-15 and hung out a lot. We started back talking and seeing each other after roughly 9 years. It started off as her bringing me to and from my job because it was a 30 minute drive from my house. When i was able to transfer closer to where i lived i thought that would end. while it lasted i didn’t think it would be nothing more than a friendly gesture of her helping me save money versus taking lyft. after that ended, we ended up having intercourse and that’s when things started to get weird , she started to tell me she’d feel some type of way if i talked to other females and always wanted to have my location on for her to see it.on Christmas day , i was at my grandparents house to spend time with my family and she came over to introduce herself. I didn’t really feel comfortable letting her do that but i let her so she wouldn’t be mad at me. she doesn’t like any of my friends and it’s constant arguments in between them. If i take too long to text back or go almost a days without talking to this girl , she will get an attitude and it’s also another argument so i try to text whenever i possibly can.Same with me if i tried to turn off my location on my iphone so she can’t track me. We barely do anything sexual but she does kiss me if we’re around each other and she’s dropping me off either at home or at work. but she also said if i went 2-3 days without talking to her she’d show up at my house , she also mentioned having my kids in the future. I don’t know if i’m tripping but i don’t know if im in a situation where im being controlled by someone im not even in a relationship with or she just being a legitimately concerned friend who cares about me. I legitimately care about her but it’s some things she does and says to me that trip me out. she also wants me to be around her whenever im off even if we’re just sitting in her house or car all day for hours doing and talking about nothing until it’s time for me to go home or go to work or something, what do you all think i should do in this situation, is this controlling behavior?

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