I (25F) live with my parents now, but had gone to a different state for college. I had been lonely for 20 years, but then I met an evangelist on my campus. Let’s call her Sasha.

Sasha invited me to church and I started going there regularly. She was the person I could always come to if there was a problem – and had basically been my personal therapist for 4 years! We used to meet up for bible study at her house every week, and also covenant group, which is when a group of women come together and pray and hang out and pray and share treats they baked. We had gone to retreats together and they came to my adult baptism, planned birthday parties for me, and came to my graduation. I was so glad to be part of a group of girls and it means so much to me!

When I first met Sasha, she was already married but did not have kids yet. Now she has two sons who were basically like my nephews. They even call me “Auntie”. I loved how she was the friend I would see the MOST even when she had kids. I was one of the first to meet the babies. I have a lot of memories of taking her kids out to the park or to play in the snow. We would go out to eat, and the kids would ride in the stroller. She even helped me clean my room once while the kids watched!

I have since moved back to my parents’ house in another state. I always make an effort to keep in touch with my friends from covenant group, including Sasha. Sasha has been really distant with me ever since I moved back to my home state, but all the other girls have been really nice and said they miss me a lot. However, recently I got a phone call from Sasha. She said, “**a lot of people have been telling me that you keep calling and texting them, and you have GOT to stop. It is weird and inappropriate behavior.”** I was EXTREMELY confused. I do not remember saying anything inappropriate (why would I?), and all the girls had responded really nicely to me. **I asked Sasha who this was about, and she said it doesn’t matter.**

I am extremely hurt. If I’d made someone uncomfortable, why didn’t they just tell ME? And, since I don’t know who complained about me, I have just stopped texting everyone altogether. Now I am really lonely and feel like I have no real friends.

Tl:dr: I am confused by my supposed best friend’s cryptic phone call, what is the best way to move forward?

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