i was really good friends with this couple. we hung out really often in the first half of last year, and i genuinely adored these two. school restarts, and its pretty normal for my circle to not see each other for a few months since we go to different schools. however, in that time i’ve learned that the guy might be saying stuff i’m not comfortable with, but it may be false or a rare occurance. there was also an incident with our mutual friend where both of them were in the wrong, but the way the couple responded pissed me off at the time. i wasnt vocal about it, but i sided with our mutual friend more than them.

i was really sad after i learned of what happened, but i miss them so much and my gut feeling was really positive for both of them. looking back, idk if i made the best decision to take our mutual friend’s side almost completely. i just felt so hurt at the time. i’d love to rekindle the friendship but i don’t think it’s possible. it sort of just, died down? nothing big happened between us, but they’ve seemingly moved on. was the decision to effectively unfriend them the best move i could’ve made?

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