So there’s this girl I’ve known for 3 years and I thought we were friends.We have been collegues at uni (thats where I met her and hang out with mutual acquaintancies) and now will probably start working at the same place after we graduate. For a while I thought she liked me, and I asked her out. She rejected me and told me I was an idiot for thinking that, so I moved on.(When I asked her out I actually liked her). After that she wanted a favor I was not comfortable doing and I declined in a bit of a rude way(up until that point I had done her several favors and I had issues of my own hence the rudeness, which is no excuse). She did not take it well. Soon after she started talking things behind my back that are untrue and hurtful. I tried to talk to her, but she was always “busy” or straight up avoided me. I stopped talking to her completely. This all happened last year (4th) at uni.Now im undergoing internship for a job.She applied for the same position and started talking again. I seriously dont know what i’ve done to make her go against me like that. Any advice on how to proceed ? Was I an asshole for ignoring her or declining in a rude way? Should I ignore her at the internship too ?

TL;DR – A girl I thought we were friends with tries to make my life miserable.

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