We were cooking dinner and ended up in a stupid argument about parchment paper. The argument escalated and my husband accused me of manipulating him and messing with his head. I don’t believe I did. He suddenly yelled “I’m going to call the police and lie and get you arrested”

Post argument this is still freaking me out. My husband said I made him feel backed into a corner and he didn’t know what else to do.

(I know I’m not providing a ton of details but my husband is in therapy and working on his anger. He was raised by a narcissist mom and it had taken a lot of work for him to be able to learn that you shouldn’t say the most hurtful things you can during arguments with people you love)

I am trying to just brush it under the rug because I don’t think he really would have, but I’m also not feeling safe in a relationship where he so easily thought of something like that and yelled it at me.

Am I over reacting and should just let it go?

TLDR: husband so easily threatened to lie to police to have me arrested because he didn’t like how an argument was going.

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