I want to learn from your experiences.

  1. I know this may be a bit bizarre. At work, I’m a placement student, there’s usually about 30 people in the office and I work directly with about 3 of them. I say “Good Morning” to everyone regardless. Eventhough I only directly work with 3 people, I have conversations with everyone in the office just from breaking the ice when I get to work.

    I always start conversations on train journeys when I’m sat opposite people. I travel alone a lot and find myself sat on table seats. Sometimes I need to get my laptop out or stretch my legs and say “Am I in your way?” In a friendly jokey mannor. You can pick up on people’s tones and expressions and start small talk.

    Always be friendly or polite, even if you think the person is an arse. You never know the kind of day they’re having.

  2. Bringing good social energy.

    You don’t have to be crazy over-the-top in order to do that. You just need to be present, and CARE about: yourself, the other person, Life Itself, and show that you care with a bit of enthusiasm.

  3. I haven’t perfected it but the most practical skill I have is to make the other person talk about themselves and to make them feel like they are charismatic. It is an idea I got from the book ‘The art of Seduction’

  4. Take every opportuinity to say “Thank you” or “Appreciate it”. After saying them for awhile, the words become meaningless. But it just makes for smooth day to day talks and keeps things civil.

  5. Whenever you feel like your life is boring, try to say it like its a story and you’re telling it to a kid, its surprisingly effective

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