In what way do you contradict yourself?

  1. Not sure. I try to nip my contradictions in the butt as soon as I realize them. I’ll think on that one.

  2. I’m a reserved extrovert. That pretty much sums up being confused for shy but actually confident, being outspoken yet quiet, needing people but thriving in my own company, being direct and facing challenges head on but hating conflict.

  3. My whole personality is a contradiction – wild, open and a bit reckless, but also prim and haughty. Even my tastes are like that one day I like simple, rustic and handmade things, next day grand things. I think it’s something to do with my ancestry, a mixture of tribal people and English people.

  4. Omg I’m a whole contradiction. My brain and inner thoughts vs my actions conflict all the time. There’s so many things ranging from kinks to experiences like sky diving but who knows if I’ll ever do them. Ooh the best contradiction is saying I’ll go to bed one time and then it’s like 3 am and I’m still awake 😅

  5. I love going out and having fun and outdoorsy stuff. Love dancing at parties, concerts…yet I have social anxiety. It’s a weird concoction to say the least!

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